Model with led for people with visual impairment

By request of the rotary club from Firminy Gorges de la Loire, the national association “L’outil en main” created a pocket version of the Saint-Pierre de Firminy Church, created by the famous architect Le Corbusier.

This version of this scale 1/100th is mainly destined to the partially and totally  visually impaired.

So that this replica attracts the visually impaired, the lighting has been created both by “L’outil en main” and Alliance Led with windows provided by the handmade glasswork in Saint-Just.

Finally, the rotary club decided to give to the city of Firminy this touch-sensitive object for the unsighted people that visit Le Corbusier.

They gave the model on the 27th of April in 2016 by the club to the city hall and to the mayor of Firminy.

In view of the evident success this replica and thanks to the club, “L’outil en main” accepted to realize the model of another building on Le Corbusier: House of Culture.

Alliance Led is going to get involved both in the association support “L’outil en main” and thus for this other building that will also extend to the tourist circuit adapted for visual impairment.

For several years, the Firminy Gorges de la Loire club has helped financially the association “L’outil en main”.

L’outil en main goal is to initiate young kids from 9 to 14 years old to manual work, by people who works as such, craft workers or skilled workers, retired volunteers, with real tools within real workshops. They allow men and women from this work area and who are well experienced to stay in the professional life by transmitting to young generations their knowledge with a savoir-faire that you cannot learn from books and the love of a good job done.

These workshops are a place of assembly and exchange between young and elder people, in both rural and urban areas. Its goal is revalue manual works, construction industry, professions related to heritage such as: tile layer, carpenter, roofer, bricklayer, metal workers, mosaic artist, plumber, stone carver, artistic profession, food professionals, industrials, etc.


Make kids happy

Retired people contribute to kids’ happiness by making them discover their job. Thus, they go back to work for a few hours for “real” activity, the taste for projects and enjoy the privileged grandkids/grandparents relation, which gives to this action an exceptional dimension. They also find back in the workshop, for an afternoon, their peers with whom they share the same values.

With this inter-generation meeting, the Elder allows the Kid:

  • To develop his manual dexterity, to learn the right gesture, to discover a hidden talent, and maybe a work
  • To awaken the kid’s eye on the superb workmanship and what savoir-faire, patience and manual dexterity represent
  • To sensitize him to his architectural environment
  • To be confident again for kids who have difficulty at school

Read: Article from Le Progrès de la Loire newspaper

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