
A rich network of collaborators

Because a good initiative, if it is unanswered, compartmentalized and ignoring the world that surrounds it, all the possibilities to achieve a sterile result, it is necessary to surround ourselves with liable collaborators, skilled both by their expert assessment in their field of specialization to take into account in every company approach of a society issues, whether they are organizational, economic, environmental or artistic.

Alliance Led has been able, throughout the years, to create its network with professionals, associations or public authority in a win-win model, where every party benefits from the experience of the other while making its contribution. Because, paradoxically, progressing in a hyper connected world by its social networks leads to an inward-looking attitudes giving the illusion that we can replace a direct exchange or a partnership by an information available to everyone but common and not really relevant. Thus, an effective polling of knowledge and means limit the risks to start a project in complete opposition with the rest of the social and economic fabric with its needs and expectations. The association targeted with different actors of the public life or economical life that represent society from bottom to top becomes from then on not only profitable but also essential.

Belonging to these networks not only offer to its members possibilities that would be inaccessible due to a size or means not enough but commit those who join these associations to respect prescriptive and ethical rules. Far from being unreachable in the long run, a poor attempt to communicate on artificial values or a fake idealistic approach, those commitments are a necessary condition for any sustainable and resilient future benefits.


Here’s a list of our collaborators, growing throughout the years:

Cluster éco-énergie: Since 2006, cluster Eco-Energies networks all of the actors of the eco-building chain in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to favor their economic development and stimulate innovation within its members.

OGECO: Offre Globale pour l’Eco-Construction. Network composed of 150 regional companies in the energetic efficiency for the construction industry field.

CREPI (Clubs Régionaux d’Entreprises Partenaires de l’Insertion): Professional insertion for the long-term unemployed.

Collectif Designer +: Promotion of design with a partnership approach between different trades that work on putting the user in the heart of their creative plan.

Cité du Design de Saint-Etienne: Thanks to its economic development center, the Cité du Design offers to guide companies that want to on every design problematic, studying projects, so as to privilege the linking with designers. Their main goal is innovation; the Cité du Design put the emphasis on the creation of new products in the service of the user, in total harmony with the economic and industrial issues. In the service of centers, tone clusters, the Cité du Design detect innovative companies regarding design.

Mecaloire: group of companies that gather industrials from the mechanic, metallurgic field and capital goods with goals such as business co-operation as part of markets that are otherwise inaccessible and the arrangement of an environment favorable to the development of its members.

AFE (Association Française de l’Eclairage): Composed of more than 1,000 collaborators those, in their specialism, work in the dissemination of good practices in the lighting fields through the study of its environmental impact on the vision, the norms arranging and regulation, and the awareness to professionals with a formation.

L’Est Stéphanois En Réseau comes from the pooling of savoir-faire and means of REZAMES (here to think of the waste treatment and promote good practices of waste separation within companies) and of TECHNOPOLE 42 (network of companies from the Technopole) with the aim of widening the field of skills and spheres of action of these organisms. Linked around massive issues such as promoting the attractiveness of the territory, the company well-being, the link between schools and companies, the networking and guaranteeing a visibility of companies’ savoir-faire.

As part of promoting the region Rhône-Alpes abroad, the approach of the Jeunes Ambassadeurs aims since 1999 to link foreign students, companies and regional institutions together. The distinctive feature is to offer a complete approach by welcoming foreign students through the construction of a personalized project for each member and an international network in the long-run. Guided by a referent here to make them discover the professional environment, these students from 88 different countries are the real actors of this operation for 6 months and once they are back in their home country where these last guarantee help to these new participants, a visibility of the different members of the Jeunes Ambassadeurs and of the region.

The consortium Européen de l’Industrie Photonique is an association that gathers companies and industries from the wide field of the led lighting technologies field, from photovoltaic solar power, photonic integrated circuits, optical components, laser, captors, optical fiber or even imagery and projectors. Each member of EPIC whether they own a startup, a big company or a research center, benefits from the network to develop their own activity on markets that would be quite difficult to conquer because of a small size or services that they would not be able to afford on their own as well as contributing to the evolution and growth of the photonic technologies sector.

Le Comité National d’Optique et de Photonique gathers 6 regional poles, the main industrial partnerships and the actors of the research and development in the diversity of the optical and photonic sector. Because of its importance, the CNOP seeks to become an actor in the elaboration of a plan of developing the field at the French scale and European by talking with public powers but also by offering a strategy to follow with the help of economical, industrial and communication recommendations here to offer a coherent direction to the entire sector.

First composed of companies managers from the Portuguese community, the Portugal Business Club works for the development of partnerships and markets between Portugal and France by offering to its members the opportunity to integrate an open network and to benefit from the experience of members living or evolving in both countries for long enough to help those who are thinking of moving to or working in Portugal or in France while getting rid of most administrative and economic barriers often inherent to the arrival of a company in a foreign country.

Recyclum is a non-lucrative organism in charge of collecting and recycling used lamps, electric and electronic equipment but also thinking globally of the conception, destruction and recycle of manufactured objects from the industry and their wrapping. Far from leading a punitive action against companies, the goal of Recyclum is to protect the environment while guaranteeing an economic development of the companies and the social well-being.

Le CNAM, a tool for social and equal opportunity promotion. Placed under the French Ministry of Higher Education and Development, the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) is a big public building for higher education and development. By favoring the achievement of all, it is a social and equal opportunity promotion with three fundamental missions: a lifelong professional formation, the technological research and innovation, the diffusion of scientific and technical culture.

STEPHANOISES: Realization and promotion of projects rewarding the Loire area and more generally, every other economic operations, linked directly, indirectly or that could be used with that object. These projects are more particularly oriented to highlight female talents in our department of la Loire (42) through their professional, associative, cultural, sportive, political, economic, gastronomic, educative, rural etc. actions.

Any female initiative that promotes our department.

Other partnerships: see current events.

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